‘A Travelers Experience’
Mr. Prasanna Choudhary
‘Writer is the member of Jammu and Kashmir Study Center, an academic group that engages in the academic pursuit of the various issues of J & K and Leh Ladhak’.
Declaration of Government of India regarding Abrogation of Article 370 and 35 A and bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir state into two union territories have been celebrated all across the Nation except few districts of J&K. In order to avoid backlash and bloodbath, government of India with astute foresight had detained the political leaders of dubious character who threatened to create unrest and disturb the lives of innocents of the Kashmir Valley, banned use of the internet, imposed IPC section 144, travel restrictions and terminated Amarnath Yatra. All these measures have caused lot of hue and cry in the national as well as international media. But also earned rich dividends by defeating the sinister plans of separatists and terrorists. In order to investigate the current complete scenario, I decided to take up a voyage to Kashmir.
Before I stepped out feet in the valley I had done some homework. The picture which was painted by the media has to be corroborated on ground by interacting with the intellectuals and common people of Kashmir Valley. Especially about articles 370 and 35 A. Also to learn how our adversary is misrepresenting the ground Zero situation in the international forum about the Indian Government’s decision to bifurcate J and K state.
I carried out interviews of people who were victims of Article 370 . I tried to understand what are being reported in the newspaper and electronic media and it’s implication in creating awareness or perception amongst the local and rest of the country. All exercise led me to the astonishing observation which has hardly been notified in the articles published so far.
Before we begin to study about the reaction of local population regarding 35 A and article 370 we need to consider socio-economic, political, religious and regional background of a person we are interviewing. Understanding this, gives us a fair idea, which line a person will toe. But I was surprised to learn, how the lower class (most affected by the rights due to Article 370) is unaware of the situation. The propaganda of the Separatist is so strong that even the direct beneficiary of this would not support the cause. This continues till date. This was due to a lack of information and misunderstanding regarding Jammu and Kashmir.
Kashmir Valley is simmering with militants activities specifically since January 1990. I will not go into the details of such insurgency in Kashmir. However, I would like to touch upon the glorious history of Kashmir. Emperor Lalitaditya was the one whose empire was greater than the Ashoka’s empire. Kashmir was a cultural center of Bharatwarsh. After graduating from Kashi i.e Varanasi, all those students went to pursue higher studies in Kashmir. Aadi Shankaracharya had established Sharadapeeth in J and K.
Thereafter the invaders came into this beautiful valley. Afghans ruled Kashmir for more than 1000 years. Then came the Mughals. The cruelest of them was Aurangzeb who had converted Kashmiris en masse. Raja Ranjit Singh’s Sikh army under his able General Zorawar Singh had captured Ladakh and extended the Sikh Kingdom further North of Srinagar. Maharaja Gulab Singh and his heir ruled the region till final accession declared by Maharaja Hari Singh in 1947.
The seeds of separatism were sown much before the accession of Jammu and Kashmir in Indian Union. The political leaders like sheikh Abdulla had even approached the newly formed Pakistan to take over Jammu and Kashmir. However, it never worked out that way.
Our Political leaders who were at the helm of affairs had taken a decision against the opposition by many of their contemporaries to have a state within the state. Temporary, transitional and Special Status was granted to the Jammu and Kashmir in 1948. The status included a separate Judiciary System, Separate Constitution, different flag and post of Wazeer- E- Azam. The people from any part of India cannot buy any property and have any business in Jammu and Kashmir State. Such provision has created confusion in the minds of Kashmiris that Kashmiris are not Indian. They never became part of the mainstream.
With this background, the separatists with the active help of the adversary countries raised the slogans for Azad Kashmir. These leaders kept misguiding the entire population about the outcome of Azadi. Few of them took up arms against the elected government and since 1990 the Kashmir valley has become the breeding ground for terrorists. The youths were brainwashed by the mentors in Pakistan for armed struggle with has resulted in the exodus of Kashmiri Hindu Pandits from Kashmir. They had become refugees in their own country. Last thirty years or so, due to the provisions of Article 370 and 35 A, these culprits and their supporters could not be brought to the books and hence had executed many terror attacks across the Indian Panorama.

Article 370 was considered almost impossible to touch due to the propaganda of separatist and political leaders of Kashmir. These leaders always blackmailed the Central government and sucked money on some or the other pretext and didn’t bother to be accountable for its utilization. This encouraged massive corruption. Many progressive laws were not implemented in Jammu and Kashmir state due to article 370. The writ of the Supreme court didn’t rule in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. Hence the political leaders across the party line had en massed the wealth belonging to the common man of Kashmir.
In the year 2014, BJP has taken vowed and mentioned in their election manifesto to abrogate Article 370 and 35 A. To fulfill its given promise to the people well thought over a move to nullify the provisions of Article 370 and 35 A, Indian government bifurcated state into two union territories on 5th August 2019. The resolution was passed in Rajya Sabha and then in Lok Sabha with thumping majority.
Entering into the valley, We saw trucks loaded with apples waiting for traffic police to allow to return to their respective town. I could not imagine such a huge traffic Jam. It was the first time I witnessed this. “It’s a daily affair at the time of Harvest. Thousands of trucks lined up a couple of kilometers.” Said Ravi.

The journey started from Jammu at an early hour. We crossed Udhampur, Ramban, Banihal, Avantipora, Pampore and finally reached the outskirts of Srinagar. This was the route we took to reach our final destination. The scenic beauty suddenly changed when we crossed 2.4 km long Jawahar tunnel at Banihal. Here the Pirpanjal Ranges divide the Jammu region from the valley . we had viewed the beautiful valley measuring approximately 74 km in length and 4- 8 km in width. The Valley is surrounded by mountains from all sides.
Moving towards Kashmir Valley is itself a great experience. After looking at the houses that are built away from the highway, it raises a question in mind that how could these people be building beautiful houses in the inaccessible region. This may be common to them. Persons from plain get astonished by this phenomenon.
We got an opportunity to interact and interview many people on our way. There was some security personnel deployed alongside the road but the movement was absolutely devoid of checking and difficulties as stated by media. We came across thousands of trucks loaded with apples and other materials coming from Valley. It is the season of delicious apples. We have plenty of them.
Few Cuisine
When you plan to visit Srinagar do not forget to eat Kalhari Kulcha. It is very delicious. You may not find best of it everywhere but yes, with the help of locals you may find decent dhaba that serves fresh Kalhari. And yes, Rajma Chawal with ghee at Vaishnav Dhabas are unbelievably delicious. Rajmal Chawal is also served with the Anardana Chatni which add sour (Khatta) taste to the meal. Malpuda and Mattri with Kashmiri Chai give you another experience.
When you approach Srinagar you got to see the cricket bat factories everywhere on either side of the road. But during our visit, all the shutters were down. It was intentionally forced to oppose the Government of India’s move to bifurcate the state.
Entering Srinagar city was not like what I expected and got to from media and social media. I expected that there will be military posts everywhere. The city must have been turned into a fortress. I had preconceived notions based on what had been reported on Social Media and other media that entering into the city means you have to go through checking all the while and have to prove your identity. But to my surprise, nothing of this sort was there. I don’t deny the military presence but not the extent that it may be uncomfortable for the citizens.

“ There are organized efforts from the commerce organizations to call for such Bandh and obstruct the economy of the Kashmir.” Had expressed one of the locals who refused to give his name. These commerce organizations are faithful to Muftis and Sheiks as they enjoyed such prolonged benefits and favors from the state. Maybe also due to the detention of leaders and locals.
Srinagar is a great place. I was amazed to see the prosperity it has. Land and climatic conditions favor the high yield. It also favor the cultivation of cash crops such as almonds, walnuts, Kesar, apple, etc that fetches high returns all the time. Houses at Srinagar are Amazing huge and beautiful. I could only see the flat schemes built for government officials.
It was painful to see one thing i.e. Shankaracharya build lord Shiva temple located on hills. Reaching up on the temple gives you a birds-eye view of Srinagar city. This temple now houses the CRPF battalion. Every Sunday few families come to the temple and perform lunger and also feed the CRPF. Srinagar now houses less than 1 percent Hindus.
But this temple seems to have been giving them the strength to live there with hope and forgive those who have forced their near dears (Kashmiri pandits) to leave everything behind not to return again.
Perhaps the temple is the only place where they can call for Jaikaras without much fear. After looking at the plight for the struggle to keep the roots intact, I realized how important it is for future generations to keep the struggle to win back what is lost. I don’t want to flare up the communal sentiments here. But surely wish to call for struggle against those forces that don’t recognize the peaceful coexistence of different religions and don’t respect the cultural and traditional roots.
We often hear about Laal Chowk. I heard that we are not allowed to take the pictures of Lal chowk. It is all hype created to spread disturbance. We received the opportunity to click the photos and no one stopped us.
We also happened to click some photographs at the Sunday market of Laal Chowk. One of the Kashmiris warned us not to take photos. But to my surprise, one gentleman stepped in and said,” Arre Bhai kyu nahi kichega? Bhai sahaab aap hamare guest ho. Aap ghumo, photo khicho koi baat nahi.’
Theory of Spontaneous Bandh – Myth or Reality?
Nearly 3 month-long Spontaneous Bandh has been called in response to the abrogation of article 370. This bandh is reported as spontaneous and from within the masses without any leadership. This is totally a myth. Even if there was spontaneity, it doesn’t sustain for so long. This can be very well explained by those who are ‘Dharna Specialist’.
“ There are organized efforts from the commerce organizations to call for such Bandh and obstruct the economy of the Kashmir.” Had expressed one of the locals who refused to give his name. These commerce organizations are faithful to Muftis and Sheiks as they enjoyed such prolonged benefits and favors from the state. Maybe also due to the detention of leaders and locals.
But these organizations also know that they couldn’t sustain for long. So we could see businesses will open up. Paapi peth ka sawal hai. Many of these wish to open their shops but fear militant action. Everyone is waiting for others to take the initiative.

Ideology Shift in terrorist activities

The move of bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir state by the government of India had foxed Pakistan and all other terrorist organizations. Since the inception of militancy mostly they were targeting the security forces and some of the locals who were helping security forces. But the move of the Central government to establish good governance in these Union territories had put Pakistan sponsored terrorist organizations to do or die situation. Indian has almost won the diplomatic war against Pakistan and made it bite the dust by her bold action across the border. With prevailing peace in Kashmir Valley, the terrorists are caught in the Catch 22 situation. Pakistan ISI and military authorities are demanding bold action from terrorists. However the presence of formidable and determined forces in the valley, they are not able to do any worthwhile.
Hence one way to create terror amongst non-Kashmiris, they have started shooting and killing unarmed and innocent people who are staying in Kashmir to earn their livelihood. If terrorist does nothing then they are afraid that the local population won’t support them logistically. As it is a fact that a common man in Kashmir valley is fade up of terrorism and wants a man, Shanti. Whereas Pakistan wants Kashmir to be kept on the tender hook to extract money from sympathizers. Hence in a desperate move they have started killing all those people who do not belong to the valley.
Things are not so bad as I expected. My efforts to interact with the locals regarding recent development and their opinion on the abrogation of articles 370 and 35 A especially with the lower-class gave me the sense that they hardly have a complete understanding of recent technical development in polity structure with respect to their region. If you ask them what they feel about Article 370.
They express lack of complete knowledge on the subject and disappointment. Reason for disappointment being immediate effects that led to the shutting of business. It will be completely wrong to blame these people for their misunderstanding of the issue. What do you really expect from the illiterate farmer, small businessmen wage workers, etc? Even today if you go on the asking what is the difference between Union Territories and State, the majority of degree holders will not able to give the answer to you. It will be not fair if we see their response disappointing based on partial understanding. For the analysis of what is wrong and what is right is based on ‘Immediate effect’ rather than complex understanding regarding article 370 and 35 A.
My jaws were dropped as soon as I heard one young boy from Jammu whose ancestors came to Indian as West Pakistan refugee at the time of partition of 1947, complaining and showing dissatisfaction for the abrogation of article 370. This young boy has his grandfather shifted to Jammu at the time of partition. As they had to leave everything behind and having no proof of land, he was denied Permanent Resident Certificate. Never in his lifetime he could have received PRC certificate and kept him away from getting rights if the centre had not abrogated Article 370. He was one of the biggest beneficiaries of the centre’s move but he showed his resentment due to his ignorance.
My visit to the valley gave me out of the blue reaction from elites as well as common people. On one hand, we saw terrorists shift their modus operand by targeting unarmed civilians, like truck drivers and laborers to create terror. While the business men at Lal chowk were tourist friendly. Those who reaped the benefits from central Govt. schemes they were against the move of creating territories because of loss of earning to them. Most of the people around were seems to be ignorant of a bright future for them.
It is the same that the masses are desiring from ’aman’ and’ shanti’. But not the ones who are in minority profess separatism.
Battle of Abrogation of article 370 has been won but the real war yet to win. i.e War against Perception. Masses are going to see Central government efforts from the glasses of ‘immediate effect’. If government prove its mettle this, in turn, will help to restore confidence on the people of Kashmir and help them to give more time to the central government to work on long term plan for the development of Jammu and Kashmir.
Recently concluded panchayat Block Development elections and allocation of central funds directly to these local leaders to decide what development they want in their region will give Kashmiris taste of direct democracy. The “Immediate Effects” of these democratic measures will help us to counter the intentionally forced negative “immediate effects” (such as band in only 3 districts i.e Sopor, Anantnag and Srinagar ) of Article 370 that has caused discomfort to the common man.
While we took the return journey from Srinagar to Jammu we ponder over the possibilities of long-lasting peace and prosperity in both the UT’s in the near future. We are certain for sure that
Mr. Prasanna Choudhary