Kargil Vijay - History & Analysis
24 July 2021
Col Amod Vasant Kulkarni

Education– Graduation from Nagpur Veterinary college and Post-graduation (In service deputation) from Jabalpur Veterinary College. Post-graduation diploma ( In Service ) in Equine medicine and surgery, from IVRI, Izzatnagar Bareilly.
He served in Maharashtra Government undertaking at Pune, 1984-85.
Commissioned in Remount Veterinary Corps ( RVC ), in 1986.
Served in Various regions- places, (a) Eastern sector – Assam, Eastern Arunachal, Nagaland/
Manipur. (b) J&K four tenures including south Kashmir, HQ of a high altitude Division in Ladakh, Adm Commandant in Ladakh, Commanding officer of a Veterinary hospital and Zanskar pony breeding farm in Siachen, and HQ of command Commanding officer of Veterinary hospital in Uttarakhand. (c) Served as instructor (Training ) in RVC centre and college, Meerut Cantt, as staff officer in mountain division , Himachal Pradesh. (d) Project incharge division
(Secunderabad site ) Of a DRDO project DIBER (e) Deputy commandant of Army’s Stud farm at
Hisar and Veterinary officer in military dairy farm (f) Qualified fire officer (Course from CFEES Delhi) and a course in industrial security and explosives disposal (NISA Hyderabad ) Retired in 2018.