“कारगिल विजय भारत की शौर्य परंपरा”

डॉ. शरद जी हेबाळकर


कारगिल  विजय दिवस के उपलक्ष में जम्मू कश्मीर अध्ययन केंद्र नागपुर २७.०७.२०१९ सायं ५.४५ पर प्रेस क्लब सिविल लाइन्स में एक व्याख्यान का आयोजन किया | इस कार्यक्रम के मुख्य वक्ता मा. डॉ. शरद जी हेबाळकर  जो “कारगिल विजय भारत की शौर्य परंपरा” पर व्याख्यान प्रस्तुत किया | .

मा. डॉ. शरद जी हेबाळकर का जनम २१.०९.१९४३ को हुआ. उन्होंने इतिहास विषय में सनात्कोत्र पदवी प्राप्त  की है. वह अंबेजोगाई स्थित कोलेश्वर महाविद्यालय में १९७४ से २००३ तक इतिहास के प्राध्यापक तथा विभाग अध्यक्ष रहे तथा वहीँ उप प्राचार्य भी रहे| उनकी प्रकाशित पुस्तको में – भारतीय संस्कृतिचा विश्व्संचार, बालासाहेब देवरसाचा चरित्र, आपले उत्सव, मुस्लिम आक्रमण का हिन्दू परिरोध, ancient Indian ports. उन्होंने भारतीय संस्कृति विषय पर कोई ५०० से अधिक व्याख्यान तथा भारतीय काल गणना, आरयों की समस्या पर कोई 200 भाषण दिए हैं| वे राज्य, राष्ट्रीय तथा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर वह सक्रिय रहे हैं और अनेक देशों का दोरा किया है| शरद जी अखिल भारतीय इतिहास संकलन योजना दिल्ली के सचिव, भारतीय अनुसन्धान परिषद अंबेजोगाई के संस्थापक तथा कई अन्य संस्थानो से जुढ़े हैं व् अनेक पुरस्कार उन्होंन्ने प्राप्त  किये है|


Kargil Vijay Bharat Ki Shourya Gatha’ by Prof Dr Sharad Hebalkar, JKSC Nagpur

Jammu Kashmir study center Nagpur chapter  , a voluntary organization, had recently  arranged a lecture on account of Kargil vijay divas .This year noted Historian Dr. Sharad Hebalkar , from Abejogai , Beed district , was the speaker for this year’s 20 th anniversary  celebration . In the past also this organization had presented views on issues of national interest by inviting  many eminent personalities on different  subjects such as article 370 , 35-A,reality of state of Jammu and Kashmir ,  its culture and history ,strategy, to name the few . This year’s concept of inviting an eminent historian and archeological researcher , was a unique one in more than one way. It was felt by the group that some misconception needs to be dispelled and  facts be placed before people to motivate them  . Ever since British took control of India in  18 th and 19th century , we were only told the history of invaders and their success .  Saga of our glorious success and struggle could never became part of our history books, as it suited our colonial masters . The glorious past and legacy was intentionally suppressed from Indian people .  Dr. Hebalkar has  shed light on these hidden aspects and given new vision to all of us .

Dr. Sharad Hebalkar , had forcefully stressed  upon this undisclosed reality of our history during his speech , in most  lucid  manner . His claims are substantiated by hard research done by him in last 40 years, which he narrated in his hour long speech . The editorial has rightly drawn the attention towards  the fact that ‘Time has come ,for the Indian nation to start motivating its youngsters in defence forces . A conscious social movement will certainly make the difference’. The likes of Dr. Hebalkar will certainly play a long  and pivotal role in  this direction  in depicting real historical facts and showing  path to youth  in serving the  nation in preserving the integrity of India. In a way , Jammu Kashmir study center is contributing in small but significant  manner in motivating youths of this country.


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